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Journal Publications

Ernan Haruvy, Yaron Lahav, Charles N. Noussair (2007). “Traders’ Expectations in Asset Markets: Experimental Evidence”, The American Economic Review 97(5), 1901-1920.


Yaron Lahav, 2009, “Behavioral Pattern Learning Models for Decision Making in Games”, Journal of Pattern Recognition Research 4(1), 133-151.


Yaron Lahav, 2011, “Price Patterns in Experimental Asset Markets with Long Horizons”, Journal of Behavioral Finance 12(1), 20-28.


Kimberly Clausing, Yaron Lahav, 2011, “Corporate Tax Payments under Formulary Apportionment: Evidence from the Financial Reports of 50 Major Multinaltional Firms”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 20(2), 97-105.


Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Yaron Lahav, 2011, “The Effective Tax Rate of the Largest U.S. and EU Multinationals”, Tax Law Review 65, 375-390.


Ilan Benshalom, Yaron Lahav, 2013, “Will High Paying Jobs Go Abroad? Labour Shifting Responses to Formulary Allocation”, Australian Tax Forum 28(4), 753-785.


Yaron Lahav, Yulia Chernin (2014). "The People Demand Social Justice – The Impact of Protests on Financial Markets". Accounting, Economics and Law – A Convivium 4(2), 99-121.


Zvika Afik, Yaron Lahav, Zoya Ochakovski, 2014, “There’s No Smoke without Fire: Equity Returns Response to Indictment Filing”, International Journal of Economics and Finance 6(7), 24-30.


Zvika Afik, Yaron Lahav (2015). "A Better ‘Autopilot’ than Sell-in-May? 40 Years in the U.S. Market". Journal of Asset Management 16, 41-51.


Zvika Afik, Yaron Lahav. (2015). "Thinking Near and Far: Modeling Underreaction, Overreaction and the Formation of Traders’ Beliefs in Asset Markets using Experimental Data". Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 57, 73-80.


Ofer Azar, Yaron Lahav, Alisa Voslinsky (2015). "Beliefs and Social Behavior in a Multi-Period Ultimatum Game". Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9, Article 29, 1-11.


Yaron Lahav (2015). "Eliciting Beliefs in Beauty Contest Experiments". Economics Letters 137, 45-49.


Zvika Afik, Yaron Lahav (2016). "The Transfer Valuation in Advance Pricing Agreements between Multinational Enterprises and Tax Authorities". Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 31(2), 203-211.


Yaron Lahav, Zvika Afik, Lior Manderzweig (2016). "The Inverse of a Terror Event? Stock Market Reponses to Pro-Active Action". Studies in Economics and Finance 33(1), 91-105.


Ilanit Gavious, Yaron Lahav, Meir Russ (2016). "Economic Effect on Human Capital Valuation. Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 23(2), 200-223.


Zvika Afik, Yaron Lahav, Efi Sayar, Rami Yosef (2016). "You Can Do Better than “Sell in May”. It is not Halloween, but It May Be Passover and Hanukah". International Journal of Economics and Finance 8(10), 121-129.


Yaron Lahav, Galla Salganik (2016). "Measuring and Characterizing the Domestic Effective Tax Rate of US Corporations". Advances in Taxation 23, pp. 33-57.


Zvika Afik, Yaron Lahav (2018). "Practical Valuation of Risk Transfer in Advance Pricing Agreements". Journal of Tax Administration, 4(1), pp. 38-54.

Tim A. Carle, Yaron Lahav, Tibor Neugebauer, Charles N. Noussair (2019). "Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Trade in Experimental Asset Markets". Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54(1), pp. 215-245.

Zvika Afik, Roi Haim, Yaron Lahav (2019). "Advance Notice Labor Conflicts and Firm Values - An Event Study Analysis on Israeli Companies". Finance Research Letters, 31, pp. 410-414.

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